Barrer Award
Opens 18 Oct 2022 12:00 AM (BST)
Deadline 18 Jan 2023 05:00 PM (GMT)

The Barrer Award recognises meritorious recent pure or applied work in the field of porous inorganic materials.

  • The winner receives £500 and a certificate  
  • The winner will be selected by the RSC Materials Chemistry Prize Committee and representatives from the British Zeolite Association and Society of Chemical Industry.

  • Both RSC members and non-members can nominate for this prize.
  • Nominees may NOT nominate themselves
  • Nominees must have carried out their pure or applied work in the field of porous inorganic materials in an institution in the UK or the Republic of Ireland.
  • Nominees should be an early career scientist, typically with no more than 10 years of full-time equivalent professional experience.
  • This should be experience gained as part of a scientific career excluding time spent in full-time education. Time spent as a postgraduate student should not be included e.g. Masters, PhD. Time spent as a post-doctoral researcher should be included.
  • Nominators will be asked to provide details of the nominee's professional experience, in relation to the above criteria (see below).
  • Career breaks will be taken into consideration, and applications are particularly encouraged from those whose career has spanned a break due to caring responsibilities or personal circumstances e.g. a period of parental/adoption leave, family commitments, illness, or other exceptional circumstances.
  • When nominating previous RSC prize winners, please remember that a person cannot be awarded twice for substantially the same body of work.

Barrer Award

The Barrer Award recognises meritorious recent pure or applied work in the field of porous inorganic materials.

  • The winner receives £500 and a certificate  
  • The winner will be selected by the RSC Materials Chemistry Prize Committee and representatives from the British Zeolite Association and Society of Chemical Industry.

  • Both RSC members and non-members can nominate for this prize.
  • Nominees may NOT nominate themselves
  • Nominees must have carried out their pure or applied work in the field of porous inorganic materials in an institution in the UK or the Republic of Ireland.
  • Nominees should be an early career scientist, typically with no more than 10 years of full-time equivalent professional experience.
  • This should be experience gained as part of a scientific career excluding time spent in full-time education. Time spent as a postgraduate student should not be included e.g. Masters, PhD. Time spent as a post-doctoral researcher should be included.
  • Nominators will be asked to provide details of the nominee's professional experience, in relation to the above criteria (see below).
  • Career breaks will be taken into consideration, and applications are particularly encouraged from those whose career has spanned a break due to caring responsibilities or personal circumstances e.g. a period of parental/adoption leave, family commitments, illness, or other exceptional circumstances.
  • When nominating previous RSC prize winners, please remember that a person cannot be awarded twice for substantially the same body of work.
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18 Oct 2022 12:00 AM (BST)
18 Jan 2023 05:00 PM (GMT)